Astrogenetix, importante collaborazione con la NASA, Astrotec Parte 2 – News + Grafici

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Astrogenetix Corporation, a subsidiary of Astrotech Corporation (Nasdaq:ASTC), has entered into a Space Act Agreement (SAA) with NASA, (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). This SAA commits to providing the critical resources needed to continue utilizing the International Space Station (ISS) and to further the development of important on-orbit microgravity vaccines and therapeutic drug experiments.


 Astrogenetix entered into a similar SAA in 2009 resulting in 12 successful missions on the Space Shuttle that led to the discovery of potential vaccine targets for both salmonella and MRSA. This experience clearly identified that the most important part of the discovery process is the repeated frequency of access to microgravity. The new SAA reflects this important priority and NASA has committed to provide a minimum of 28 missions between 2013 and 2016.

 “Astrogenetix has been working with NASA for over three years to put the necessary agreements in place that would pave the way for the continued commercial utilization of the ISS. It is very clear that NASA shares in our commitment to utilize this most unique of all laboratories and continue with the very promising progress that we have already shown to be possible,” explained Astrogenetix Chairman, Thomas B. Pickens, III.

 “As of December 2011, NASA has completed the construction of the International Space Station and with signing of this landmark SAA, the ISS is now realizing its vision of becoming a fully operational National Laboratory. The Agency is very committed to the commercial success of companies like Astrogenetix and we look forward to supporting this very important work,” said Mark Urhan, Director ISS, NASA.

In pratica  la collaborazione con la NASA ha portato alla scoperta di potenziali vaccini e la collaborazione con compagnie come Astrogenetix continuerà per molto tempo.

1 commento Commenta
Scritto il 24 Febbraio 2012 at 13:52

Buon imminente W.€. a tutti.
Attenzione: la parte scritta non è mia.

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